Risk Planning for the Next Pandemic

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become clear that improved planning for global disease outbreaks is necessary. The next severe pandemic is coming: it’s not a matter of if, but when. Read More

Can your risk solution model 'many-to-many' relationships?

Choosing controls and subsequently optimizing the allocation of resources to risk controls requires identification and processing the many to many relationships involved between risk events, causes of the events, and objectives to which the events have consequences. Read More

How to build a roadmap to support your workforce during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

Employers all around the globe are reacting to Covid-19, anxious to support their employees, customers, suppliers and communities. The media, consultancies and vendors are crowding our media feeds and inboxes with proffered solutions and advice, some of which promises to change the way we work forever. Read More

Covid-19: Prioritize your worries

Covid-19 Risk Reduction: What's next? Read More

Risk Event Defined

An event is something that happens. Read More

Two Types of Risk

In our last blog we learned that there are two classifications of of risk: the risks you take, where you have control and the risks you face which are caused by involuntary events. (Read "What does risk mean to you?") Here we will discuss the risks you face. Read More

Key Decision Guidelines 1. Clarify Decision Terminology

1. Clarify decision terminology to make sure everyone on your team is reading from the same “playbook.” Read More

Make Important Decisions Better with Structured Decision Making

Determining the best way to make decisions and set priorities has been a topic for debate since ancient times. Science and experience are finally converging to advise us on clear approaches to make better decisions. Read More

What does risk mean to you?

Perhaps you’d say risk is the chance or danger that something is going to happen to cause you to lose something or fail to achieve some goal? WIkipedia defines Risk as the potential of gaining or losing something of value. But did you know there are two types of Risk—the risks you take and the risks you face? With the former you have control and... Read More

Effective Decision Making: A common blind spot kills productivity

Being a good leader requires more than just knowing the right way to do things. It also requires knowing how to choose the right things to do. Decision-making is undoubtedly the most difficult and essential task a manager performs. Effective decision making makes it possible for organizations to succeed by aligning resources with objectives.... Read More